IOC Hunter
IOC Hunter
Machine readable IOCs are automatically pulled out and validated from the most relevant cyber research kick starting investigations and block grade lists.
Machine readable IOCs are automatically pulled out and validated from the most relevant cyber research kick starting investigations and block grade lists.

175+ Trusted Publications
175+ Trusted Publications
We curate the best and trusted applications to pull IOCs from.
We curate the best and trusted applications to pull IOCs from.
Fast, Accurate and Trusted
Fast, Accurate and Trusted
LLM combined with Human in the Loop provides best of both worlds for speed and accuracy.
LLM combined with Human in the Loop provides best of both worlds for speed and accuracy.
Hunt can pivot off of these IOCs as a starting point to make sure you never hit a dead end in an investigation.
Hunt can pivot off of these IOCs as a starting point to make sure you never hit a dead end in an investigation.
All IOCs are pre- enriched with best of breed data to aid in Hunts.
All IOCs are pre- enriched with best of breed data to aid in Hunts.
Kick Start Investigations
Kick Start Investigations

Pivot and Expansion
Pivot and Expansion
Pivot and Expansion
Bootstrap investigations by using research from other teams to narrow in on an incident or threat actor by expanding using their TTPs or ensuring that you don’t hit a dead end.
Bootstrap investigations by using research from other teams to narrow in on an incident or threat actor by expanding using their TTPs or ensuring that you don’t hit a dead end.
Bootstrap investigations by using research from other teams to narrow in on an incident or threat actor by expanding using their TTPs or ensuring that you don’t hit a dead end.
IOC Hunter
IOC Hunter
We make trusted public research machine readable to add deep context and further pivots to investigations.
We make trusted public research machine readable to add deep context and further pivots to investigations.

Threat Hunting Platform -
Hunt Intelligence, Inc.
Threat Hunting Platform -
Hunt Intelligence, Inc.
Threat Hunting Platform -
Hunt Intelligence, Inc.