Change Log

Change Log

Hunt Change Log

Hunt Change Log

Q1 2024

Q1 2024



Preview in Open Directory now works with uppercase extensions like .TXT by default

Preview in Open Directory now works with uppercase extensions like .TXT by default


IOC Hunter now has a human in the loop to ensure the data is top quality all the time

IOC Hunter now has a human in the loop to ensure the data is top quality all the time


Added open directory signature for W3ll phishing kit

Added open directory signature for W3ll phishing kit

New signatures

Ares, MuddyWater APT, Godzilla Loader, Ermac, Gh0st RAT, Kaiji, Neptune Loader, Noterce, Epsilon Stealer, Octopus, Winnti, Gozi

Ares, MuddyWater APT, Godzilla Loader, Ermac, Gh0st RAT, Kaiji, Neptune Loader, Noterce, Epsilon Stealer, Octopus, Winnti, Gozi


Added 110 new tags to GitHub recon projects and exports to the Exposed Open Directories

Added 110 new tags to GitHub recon projects and exports to the Exposed Open Directories

Q4 2023

Q4 2023



Added lists of Hosts and IPs to IOC Hunter page

Added lists of Hosts and IPs to IOC Hunter page

New signatures

JinxLoader, Axile Stealer

JinxLoader, Axile Stealer


Added 230 new tags to GitHub recon projects and exports to the Exposed Open Directories

Added 230 new tags to GitHub recon projects and exports to the Exposed Open Directories



Added IOC Hunter post links in IOC Hunter box on Dashboard page

Added IOC Hunter post links in IOC Hunter box on Dashboard page

new feature

Added new IOC Hunter page

Added new IOC Hunter page

IOC hunter page image

New signatures

Serpent Stealer, Godzilla Loader, PlugX C2 Profile, IcedID

Serpent Stealer, Godzilla Loader, PlugX C2 Profile, IcedID


Added 415 new tags to GitHub recon projects and exports to the Exposed Open Directories

Added 415 new tags to GitHub recon projects and exports to the Exposed Open Directories


new feature

Possibility to download list of new certificates as JSON file on Feeds page (Commercial)

Possibility to download list of new certificates as JSON file on Feeds page (Commercial)

Possibility to Download certificate image
Possibility to Download certificate image
Possibility to Download certificate image


On Dashboard page New C2 Online and New Open directories are shown in tabs

On Dashboard page New C2 Online and New Open directories are shown in tabs

C2 online and New open directories image
C2 online and New open directories image
C2 online and New open directories image


Added Date, Software found, Tags and Hosting Company filters on Open Directories Page

Added Date, Software found, Tags and Hosting Company filters on Open Directories Page

Added Date image
Added Date image
Added Date image

new feature

Implementation of 2FA

Implementation of 2FA

Implementation 2FA image
Implementation 2FA image
Implementation 2FA image

new feature

Added Settings page on Dashboard

Added Settings page on Dashboard

Added Setting on dasboard image
Added Setting on dasboard image
Added Setting on dasboard image

Q3 2023

Q3 2023


new feature

Added Settings page on Dashboard

Added Settings page on Dashboard

Added Setting on dasboard image
Added Setting on dasboard image
Added Setting on dasboard image

new feature

Added Certificate page with new JA4X certificate info

Added Certificate page with new JA4X certificate info

JA4X cerificate info image
JA4X cerificate info image
JA4X cerificate info image

new feature

Added new type for searching Open Directories on Advanced Search page

Added new type for searching Open Directories on Advanced Search page

Advance Serach page image
Advance Serach page image
Advance Serach page image

new feature

Added pagination on Open Directory Search and removed 250 records limit

Added pagination on Open Directory Search and removed 250 records limit

Pagination image
Pagination image

New signatures

Unknown Android Malware, Easy Stealer

Unknown Android Malware, Easy Stealer

Android Malware image
Android Malware image
Android Malware image

New signatures

Nessus VA, Unknown Android Malware, OWASP ZAP API

Nessus VA, Unknown Android Malware, OWASP ZAP API

Nessus VA, Unknown Android Malware image
Nessus VA, Unknown Android Malware image
Nessus VA, Unknown Android Malware image

new feature

Created Recent C2 Discoveries Page

Created Recent C2 Discoveries Page

C2 Discoveries Page image
C2 Discoveries Page image
C2 Discoveries Page image

new feature

Added copy button for the IPs on Overview page

Added copy button for the IPs on Overview page

IPs on Overview image
IPs on Overview image
IPs on Overview image


Syntax highlighting on JSON output

Syntax highlighting on JSON output

Syntax highlighting image
Syntax highlighting image
Syntax highlighting image



Fixed links on Cobalt Strike Filters page

Fixed links on Cobalt Strike Filters page


Added example links on Advanced Search

Added example links on Advanced Search

Advance Search link image
Advance Search link image
Advance Search link image


Redirection to Dashboard page after login

Redirection to Dashboard page after login

Redirection to Dasboard image
Redirection to Dasboard image
Redirection to Dasboard image


Added colors to the changelog items

Added colors to the changelog items

Added colors Chaneglog image
Added colors Chaneglog image


Improved search box on Advanced search

Improved search box on Advanced search


HTTPS → HTTP redirection when “is_ssl”: false

HTTPS → HTTP redirection when “is_ssl”: false

New signatures

Acunetix, SuperShell, Responder, ChaosRat, RedWarden, RedGuard, Mystic, AZORult

Acunetix, SuperShell, Responder, ChaosRat, RedWarden, RedGuard, Mystic, AZORult

Acunetix, SuperShell, Responder, ChaosRat, RedWarden, RedGuard, Mystic, AZORult image
Acunetix, SuperShell, Responder, ChaosRat, RedWarden, RedGuard, Mystic, AZORult image
Acunetix, SuperShell, Responder, ChaosRat, RedWarden, RedGuard, Mystic, AZORult image


Improved Search by Actor in Sensors

Improved Search by Actor in Sensors

new feature

Added Dashboard Page

Added Dashboard Page

Added Dasboard Page image
Added Dasboard Page image
Added Dasboard Page image

new feature

Added System wide Stats on Dashboard Page

Added System wide Stats on Dashboard Page

Added System wide stats image
Added System wide stats image
Added System wide stats image


Updated ASN data in our databases

Updated ASN data in our databases


Updated lists of downloaded extensions in Open Directories to aide in investigations (added the following ASP.NET, PHP, C, C++ files)

Updated lists of downloaded extensions in Open Directories to aide in investigations (added the following ASP.NET, PHP, C, C++ files)


Added tagging of common tools from Exposed Open Directories and linked to GitHub (total number: 240)

Added tagging of common tools from Exposed Open Directories and linked to GitHub (total number: 240)

Added tagging of common tools image
Added tagging of common tools image



New data sources and signatures for Exposed Open Directories go identify more

New data sources and signatures for Exposed Open Directories go identify more


Make external links more obvious with this icon

Make external links more obvious with this icon


Added search by file name to Exposed Open Directory

Added search by file name to Exposed Open Directory

Added Search image
Added Search image
Added Search image

new feature

Added tagging of common tools from Exposed Open Directories and linked to GitHub (total number: 230)

Added tagging of common tools from Exposed Open Directories and linked to GitHub (total number: 230)

Added tagging of common tools from exposed open directories image
Added tagging of common tools from exposed open directories image


Added TLS protocol check algorithm to fix misleading TLS data on IP search

Added TLS protocol check algorithm to fix misleading TLS data on IP search

Q2 2023

Q2 2023


improved detections

Protocols for TLS, DNS, FTP, mySQL, pop3, rdp, and Redis

Protocols for TLS, DNS, FTP, mySQL, pop3, rdp, and Redis

new detections

Protocols for OpenVPN, MS-NMF, netbios, mikroitk, and server exec

Protocols for OpenVPN, MS-NMF, netbios, mikroitk, and server exec


Improved Siemens detection to exclude false positives

Improved Siemens detection to exclude false positives

New signatures

Araneida, Vidar

Araneida, Vidar


Open Directories

Open Directories


new feature

Added extract IP info to Bulk Search

Added extract IP info to Bulk Search


Added many ports for daily scanning cloud IPs

Added many ports for daily scanning cloud IPs

New signatures

Rengine, L3mon, Hak5, EvilGoPhish, Pupy, Hookbot, Daam, BianLian

Rengine, L3mon, Hak5, EvilGoPhish, Pupy, Hookbot, Daam, BianLian


new feature

Added OpenAI to determine actor intent of Open Directories

Added OpenAI to determine actor intent of Open Directories

New signatures

Added initial tracker version of : Havoc, Silver, Amadey, AgentTesla, VShel, IntectSh, Meterpreter, DcRat, BYoB

Added initial tracker version of : Havoc, Silver, Amadey, AgentTesla, VShel, IntectSh, Meterpreter, DcRat, BYoB

Q1 2023

Q1 2023



Added Login Pages and Dark mode

Added Login Pages and Dark mode

New signatures

Titan Stealer, Orcus, Ursnif, Nexus, ImBetter, Opendir Malware, HightHawk

Titan Stealer, Orcus, Ursnif, Nexus, ImBetter, Opendir Malware, HightHawk



Added Protocol fingerprinting and enriching API

Added Protocol fingerprinting and enriching API

New signatures

PixPirate, ARL, Viper, DarkComet, RapperBot, StealC

PixPirate, ARL, Viper, DarkComet, RapperBot, StealC


new feature

Added Open Directory search

Added Open Directory search

New signatures

Bitrat, RisePro, Mars Stealer, Shadowpad, Dacls, Alienbot, Lumma, Misha, Cova, Nosu, Spy-Agent, SystemBC, Brute Ratel, Posh C2, GoPhish, Burp Suite, BeEf, Mirai, Hydra, Ramnit, Rhadamanthys, Deimos C2, SharkStealer, Emotet

Bitrat, RisePro, Mars Stealer, Shadowpad, Dacls, Alienbot, Lumma, Misha, Cova, Nosu, Spy-Agent, SystemBC, Brute Ratel, Posh C2, GoPhish, Burp Suite, BeEf, Mirai, Hydra, Ramnit, Rhadamanthys, Deimos C2, SharkStealer, Emotet

Q4 2022

Q4 2022



Added Actor and VPN Info

Added Actor and VPN Info

new feature

Created Bulk Search

Created Bulk Search

New signatures

mythic, Metasploit, Covenan, AsyncRAT, Raccoon, RedLine, Laplas, Aurora Stealer, Lokibot

mythic, Metasploit, Covenan, AsyncRAT, Raccoon, RedLine, Laplas, Aurora Stealer, Lokibot


New signatures

CobaltStike, qakbot, bumblebee

CobaltStike, qakbot, bumblebee


new feature

Created Search Pages

Created Search Pages

new feature

Created C2 Summary and Activity Pages

Created C2 Summary and Activity Pages

New signatures

Added Initial version of Cobalt Strike tracker

Added Initial version of Cobalt Strike tracker