Malicious Tags

Malicious Tags

On the Open Directory page, the directories may contain tags. The "Malicious" tags are indicated in red, along with the tag name. If there is more than one tag, you will see a count of the malicious tags.

On the Open Directory page, the directories may contain tags. The "Malicious" tags are indicated in red, along with the tag name. If there is more than one tag, you will see a count of the malicious tags.

Malicious Tags
Malicious Tags
Malicious Tags

Click on the red count to view all tags for the directory.

Click on the red count to view all tags for the directory.

Malicious Tags Detail
Malicious Tags Detail
Malicious Tags Detail

Access Hunt's Open Directories at this URL:

Alternatively, it can be accessed from the dashboard by selecting Open Directories from the sidebar to start.

Alternatively, it can be accessed from the dashboard by selecting Open Directories from the sidebar to start.